Welcome to my blog . I hope you'll enjoy reading it.

I’m Janice Gallagher and I’m excited you’re checking out this blog! If you’re a frustrated writer, a woman over 60 learning new things about yourself, or you just enjoy an occasional message of hope, inspiration,
and a bit of humor, this site is for you. So, welcome!
Acting on the encouragement of friends, I decided to start a blog. I’ve always enjoyed writing, but the period of social isolation in 2020 due to COVID-19 caused it to surface to the top of my bucket list. I’m a woman over 60 who probably retired way too early, as I feel I have a lot of “unfinished business” to tend to. And, while I thought I had reached spiritual capacity for learning and growing at my age, as it turns out, I had not. The phrase, “God isn’t finished with you yet” has taken on a whole new meaning. I live in the metro Atlanta area with a dear husband with a retirement career as Santa Claus, a sweet pup, and an empty nest. Our incredible daughters “fledged” many years ago. My hope is not only that you will relate to some of these stories, but also that you will be encouraged to share some of your own and become the next best YOU! I’d love to hear from you.